
Membership applications

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Click here for the current membership list.

We welcome you as a new member of the Tallahassee Hunting Retriever Club. Our purpose is to conduct hunt tests under the sanction of the American Kennel Club and to advance the field and hunting performance of purebred retrievers. The home of the club is Borderline Plantation which is located in Thomas County, Georgia and Leon County, Florida. Generally, all meetings, socials, hunt tests, and other club events are held on Borderline.

This plantation is owned by Sallie Sullivan and over the years she has developed technical ponds and fields to further the abilities of our dogs. Rarely, will you find such training grounds as we enjoy on Borderline. One of the benefits of being a member of the THRC is the opportunity to train on these grounds. As a member of the club, you can train at the Field of Dreams on most weekends and generally you will find other club members training there. This enables you to meet and train with other members who can help you train your dog.

While many of our members employ a professional trainer to train their dogs, many of our members train their dogs themselves. Our club is composed of around 100 members with retrievers at all levels. We also have some of the finest and most experienced judges as members of our club. The members who train their own dogs along with the owners of the professionally-trained dogs and our judges are most willing to help you in the training of your dog.

Again, we welcome you as a new member and encourage you to become active in the club and take advantage of the opportunity to advance the training of your retriever.